Timothy Treagus

Timothy Treagus Profile Photo

CEO / Founder

Timothy Treagus is the founder of Yazi, a Cape Town-based platform reshaping market research across emerging markets. With a background in entrepreneurship and a keen interest in tech-driven solutions, Tim is deeply curious about how technology can open up access to more robust, diverse methodologies in research. His work is grounded in a commitment to designing solutions that address real-world challenges, especially in reaching communities often overlooked by traditional data collection methods.

Tim’s approach combines tech innovation with thoughtful problem-solving, whether through AI or tools tailored to Africa’s unique connectivity landscape. Passionate about advancing research methodologies, Tim brings an insightful, forward-thinking perspective to the industry, from leveraging WhatsApp for high engagement to creating impactful, accessible research experiences.

Nov. 1, 2024

9:Survey Mobilization: Exploring WhatsApp in Emerging Markets

In this episode, we talk with Tim Treagus founder of Yazi and dive into the transformative role of WhatsApp and chat-based platforms in modern research. We explore the unique advantages of WhatsApp for consumer research in em...